- [`kɔzmɪk]Центр управления и информации по вычислительным программным средствам
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь. ramix. 2012.
Cosmic — ist eine in Mittel Süd Europa bekannte Musikrichtung. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Entstehungsgeschichte 2 Musikalische Einordnung des Afro 3 Soziologie der Afro Musik 4 … Deutsch Wikipedia
cosmic — CÓSMIC, Ă, cosmici, ce, adj. Care ţine de cosmos, privitor la cosmos. ♢ Raze cosmice = radiaţii ionizate cu mare putere de pătrundere, care străbat atmosfera în direcţie aproape verticală. Spaţiu cosmic = spaţiu infinit in care se află planetele … Dicționar Român
Cosmic — may refer to: anything pertaining to the cosmos An electronic medical record software developed by Cambio popular culture Afro/Cosmic music Cosmic, a song by Kylie Minogue on the album X CosM.i.C, a member of the Swedish rap group Looptroop… … Wikipedia
Cosmic — Cos mic (k?z m?k), Cosmical Cos mic*al ( m? kal), a. [Gr. kosmiko s of the world, fr. ko smos: cf. F. cosmique. See {Cosmos}.] 1. Pertaining to the universe, and having special reference to universal law or order, or to the one grand harmonious… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cosmic — Origines stylistiques Musique de jeu vidéo, Chiptune, Synthpop, Trance Progressive Origines culturelles Années 2000, Jeux Vidéo, Science Fiction … Wikipédia en Français
Cosmic — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cosmic (lit. Cósmico) es un supuesto video (promocional)[1] de la cantante australiana Kylie Minogue con la colaboración de Eg White, de su álbum X. El supuesto videoclip fue grabado en Los Ángeles, California junto… … Wikipedia Español
cosmic — [käz′mik] adj. [Gr kosmikos < kosmos, universe, order] 1. of the cosmos; relating to the universe as a whole 2. of the universe exclusive of the earth [cosmic dust] 3. vast; grandiose cosmically adv … English World dictionary
COSMIC — COSMIC, Abkürzung für englisch Coordination of security measures in international command [kəʊɔːdɪ neɪʃn ɔv sɪ kjuərɪtɪ meʒəz ɪn ɪntə næʃnl kə mɑːnd], der oberste Geheimhaltungsgrad im Bereich der NATO … Universal-Lexikon
cosmic — 1640s, from COSMO (Cf. cosmo ) + IC (Cf. ic). Originally of this world (which was the sense of Gk. kosmikos); meaning of the universe is from 1846. Cosmical is attested from 1580s … Etymology dictionary
cosmic — *universal, catholic, ecumenical, cosmopolitan Contrasted words: *earthly, terrestrial, mundane, worldly … New Dictionary of Synonyms
cosmic — [adj] limitless; universal catholic, cosmogonal, cosmogonic, cosmopolitan, ecumenical, empyrean, global, grandiose, huge, immense, infinite, measureless, planetary, vast, worldwide; concept 772 Ant. bounded, limited … New thesaurus